Wykład otwarty w Szkole Doktorskiej APS - 26.03.2024 r.

Aktualizacja: 25-03-2024

Zapraszamy na wykład otwarty - zaproszenie przyjął prof. Marthinus Conradie z University of the Free State, RPA, który wygłosi wykład pt. "What is theory for? Crucial reminders for doctoral research".

prof. Marthinus Conradie z University of the Free State, RPA: Marthinus Stander Conradie holds a PhD in critical discourse analysis and inferential pragmatics from the University of the Free State (South Africa), where he is currently employed at the Department of English. His research interests are grounded in discourse analysis and critical race theory, which he has applied to examine everyday political argumentation, the construction of race and racism as well as whiteness. His publications include analyses of South African students’ online discussions of personal experiences of racial discrimination and micro-aggressions on university campuses, citizens’ online deliberations via asynchronous news forums, as well as media depictions of Africa in print advertising (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Marthinus-Conradie).

Termin wykładu: 26 marca 2024 r., godz. 13.30, (Aula 4061, budynek D)

Plan wydarzenia:
część I (otwarta dla wszystkich)
13.30-15.00 wykład, dyskusja
część II (tylko dla doktorantów)
15.15-16.45 konwersatorium



Opublikowano: 25-03-2024